Data Setup Help

Commercial Policy Types
Policy Types are pre-loaded into Policy Terminator®. The standard policy types for personal lines are listed below. If you require a policy type that is not listed, contact your system administrator.

Animal Mortality - A form of life insurance written on domesticated animals that covers death from any cause.

*Assigned Risk Automobile
(Not available in all states)- Insurance provided to drivers who have been rejected for automobile coverage through conventional means. These risks are covered by a pool of insurers, but are assigned to a specific insurer.

Auto Liability and Physical Damage -
Insurance that provides coverage for physical damage coverage for insured vehicles and liability insurance against bodily injury and property damage arising out of the insured's operation of motor vehicle(s).

Auto Physical Damage -
Any automobile insurance policy that insures against damage for a vehicle. Coverage's such as comprehensive or collision are included.

Aviation - Liability or Hull -
Insurance protects an insured against losses arising out of the use, or operation of an aircraft. Hull coverage provides physical damage protection for the aircraft.

Boiler and Machinery -
Coverage for the failure of boilers, machinery and electrical equipment.

Commercial Property -
Insurance providing coverage against loss or damage to real and personal property.

Comml Generic - Call ODEN Before Using -
This policy type was developed by ODEN to provide flexibility for unique coverages that do not fall under one of the pre-existing policy types in Policy Terminator. An Administrator for Policy Terminator may rename this policy type according to the situation in which it is to be used. Any notice generated with this policy type will be a basic notice stating the action being taken and the reason for it. ODEN does not pre-fill any Advance Days or Mail Type requirements that may apply. Custom Advance Days may be set up in Utilities by a Policy Terminator Administrator. Due to the nature of this notice ODEN disclaims any responsibility for any compliance requirements applicable to the use of a notice generated for this policy type. ODEN is not responsible for the content of the notice. Insurers using this policy type are responsible for fulfilling any notice filing requirements the states may impose. ODEN strongly recommends that you call us at 1-800-327-8829, Option 6, Option 3 (Oden Customer Support) for assistance and guidance before using this policy type.

Crime - Including Employee Dishonesty - Insurance that applies to the taking of money, securities and other property by an individual(s). Included within the policy type are employee dishonesty, forgery, theft, robbery, burglary, fraud, or kidnap and ransom.

*Crop Coverage
(Not available in all states) - A specialized coverage insuring farm crops.

D and O(Directors and Officers)Liability - Claims Made -
A specialized form of liability insurance covering legal expenses and damages for the personal legal liability of directors and officers of a corporation or a non profit organization because of an error, omission, negligence or other wrongful act in the course of performing their official duties as a Director or Officer of an entity. This policy provides coverage specifically for Directors and Officers if a claim is filed against them during the claims-made policy period.

E and O(Errors and Omissions)- Arch. And Engr. Claims Made -
Coverage that protects the insured for damages arising out of the insured's acts, errors or omissions when performing duties for another party. This policy provides coverage specifically for Architects and Engineers if a claim is filed against them during the claims-made policy period.

E and O(Errors and Omissions) - Lawyers Claims Made -
Coverage that protects the insured for damages arising out of the insured's acts, errors or omissions when performing duties for another party. This policy provides coverage specifically for Lawyers if a claim is filed against them during the claims-made policy period.

E and O(Errors and Omissions) - Medical Claims Made -
Coverage that protects the insured for damages arising out of the insured's acts, errors or omissions when performing duties for another party. This policy provides coverage specifically for medical facilities if a claim is filed against them during the claims-made policy period.

E and O(Errors and Omissions) - Other Claims Made -
Coverage that protects the insured for damages arising out of the insured's acts, errors or omissions when performing duties for another party. This policy provides coverage for insured's 'other' than Architects and Engineers, Lawyers, or medical facilities. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

E and O(Errors and Omissions) - Other Occurrence -
Coverage that protects the insured for damages arising out of the insured's acts, errors or omissions when performing duties for another party. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is made.

Environmental Liability - Claims Made -
Coverage for a third party liability arising from contamination of air, land or water because of the sudden and accidental release of hazardous materials from an insured site. Coverage usually includes cleaning costs. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

Environmental Liability - Occurrence -
Coverage for a third party liability arising from contamination of air, land or water because of the sudden and accidental release of hazardous materials from an insured site. Coverage usually includes cleaning costs. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is made.

Excess Liability Claims Made -
Coverage that is provided above primary insurance limits. It is designed to increase the limit of liability. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

Excess Liability Occurrence -
Coverage that is provided above primary insurance limits. It is designed to increase the limit of liability. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is

Excess Workers' Compensation -
Insurance that covers an employer's responsibilities for injuries, disabilities or death to persons in their employment. Coverage is provided above the primary Workers' Compensation policy limits.

Farm Owner - Ranch Owner -
A package policy designed for the specific operations of ranches and farms.

Fiduciary Liability Claims Made -
Coverage for a person or entity occupying a position of special trust and confidence, usually one handling the funds or items of another party. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

Fiduciary Liability Occurrence -
Coverage for a person or entity occupying a position of special trust and confidence, usually one handling the funds or items of value of another party. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is

General Liability Claims Made -
Coverage that provides protection for the public in the event the insured organization carelessly or negligently causes bodily injury or property damage. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

General Liability Occurrence -
Coverage that provides protection for the public in the event the insured organization carelessly or negligently causes bodily injury or property damage. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is made.

Inland Marine -
Coverage for property that involves an element of transportation. The essential condition is that the insured property be moveable.

Motor Cargo -
A form of inland marine insurance covering cargo while in transit; held by a bailee or at a fixed location during transportation of the cargo.

Motor Carrier Liability -
Automobile liability insurance for the vehicles carrying property or passengers for hire.

Package -
An insurance policy that includes two or more types of coverage in a single contract. Generally, this policy would provide coverage for property and third party liability. It may also include such coverage's as crime and Boiler and Machinery.

*Package Including Auto
(Not available in all states) - An insurance policy that includes two or more types of coverage in a single contract. Generally, this policy would provide coverage for property and third party liability as well as automobile(s).

Products Liability - Claims Made -
Coverage against loss arising out of the legal liability of a manufacturer, merchant, or distributor, due to injury or damage resulting from the use of a covered product. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

Products Liability - Occurrence -
Coverage against loss arising out of the legal liability of a manufacturer, merchant, or distributor, due to injury or damage resulting from the use of a covered product. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is made.

Standard Fire -
A property insurance policy providing 'real property' coverage against various perils including fire and storm damage. Some states consider any policy that provides the peril of fire to be regulated as a fire policy.

Surety Bond -
A promise by a professional surety insurer to pay for claims if the covered principle defaults or commits a wrongful act.

Umbrella Liability Claims Made -
A special liability policy that serves three main functions: 1) Provides additional excess coverage over a primary or underlying liability policy; 2) Provides broader coverage than the primary liability policy; 3) Provides a feature that automatically replaces coverage provided by the underlying policy when coverage is reduced or exhausted by loss. A claim must be filed during the claims-made policy period.

Umbrella Liability Occurrence -
A special liability policy that serves three main functions: 1) Provides additional excess coverage over a primary or underlying liability policy; 2) Provides broader coverage than the primary liability policy; 3) Provides a feature that automatically replaces coverage provided by the underlying policy coverage is reduced or exhausted by loss. This policy covers all claims arising out of incidents occurring during the policy period, regardless of whether or not the policy is still in effect at the time the claim is made.

Wet Marine -
Insurance that covers ships, boats and their cargo. Wet Marine may also cover permanent or temporary structures located over water.

Workers' Compensation -
Insurance that covers an employer's responsibilities for injuries, disabilities or death to persons in their employment, as prescribed by state workers' compensation laws and order statutes.

* Base Policy Types not available in all jurisdictions

Package Including Auto - Not Available In MA,MT,NM
Assigned Risk Automobile - Only Available In AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, ID, IL, IN, KY, MT, NY, OR, UT, WA, WY.
Crop Coverage - Only Available In AZ, IA ,IL ,KS ,NE, NM.

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