PT Main Menu Help



Policy Locate
The Policy Locate page contains the following information:

Apply Filter - If filters are set up in Utilities, Data Setup, this option can be chosen.

View - This field contains the View iconview. Click on this icon to view the current policy record. This option displays the notice history of the policy.

Edit - This field contains the Edit iconeditfolder. Click on this icon to edit the current policy record. This option does not display the notice history.

Policy Numbercheck- This field contains the policy number and can be sorted numerically.

Named Insured - This field contains the named insured and can be sorted alphabetically.

State - This field contains the state the policy is issued and can be sorted alphabetically.

Status - This field contains the status of the policy. To view a list and description of Notice Status codes, click here.

Add New Policy
This option is to add a new policy into the system. This is done by clicking on the menu option 'Add New'. A step by step process to create a policy is followed. See example below:

Policy Number- This field contains the policy number.

First Named Insured - This field contains the named insured.

Name Search

Starts With - This field is where the start of the name being searched for is entered.

Name 1 Contains - This field is where part of name 1 being searched for is entered.

Name 2 Contains - This field is where part of name 2 being searched for is entered.

Search button - Click this option to start the search process.

Policy Number Search

Policy Number - This field is where the policy number being searched for is entered.

Search Button - Click this option to start the search process.

Commercial and Personal Types
Commercial and Personal are the two different insurance Types in Policy Terminator®. The selection is made by clicking on the menu option.

Click here for a list of Commercial Policy Types.
Click here for a list of Personal Policy Types.

Link to PT Main Menu help page

Many features are controlled by user rights. If a feature does not appear as described in Help, the rights may not be set up to use that feature. Please contact your System Administrator. See the main menu page for contact information.