Glossary Help


About PT - About Policy Terminator® includes information for contacting ODEN®, a West business as well as version and license information.

Additional Insured - A person or entity, other than the named insured, who is protected by the policy, most often in regard to a specific interest. For example, an additional insured could include a property owner/manager for leased or rented property or a vehicle.

Additional Interests - The interest, usually financial, of another party or entity in an insurance policy. Additional Interests in WebPT include Mortgagee/Lienholders, Certificate Holders, Additional Insureds, and 'Other Interests'.

Address Export - Address Export is a feature that creates a downloadable comma delimited list of addresses during the Batch/PO Log generation process. This file created by this process may be used to print mailing labels or to generate "green cards" with such commercial products as those produced by Postmaster Software, Inc.

Advance Days - The period of advance notice that is required to be given to an Insured. For example, a state may require that 10 days advance notice be given for a cancellation due to nonpayment of premium. The Advance Days field is in most cases, pre-filled by ODEN® to comply with state laws, rules, or regulations. There are some states where it is not possible to pre-fill this field due to unique state requirements or because the state has no statutory requirements. ODEN® has NOT pre-filled advance days notice for the policy types of Workers' Compensation, Excess Workers' Compensation, Motor Carrier Liability and Motor Cargo. These policy types may require compliance with filing requirements, and must be addressed individually. If the field is not pre-filled, please access ODEN® State Rules and Regulations to determine the correct response for the state and policy type, or refer to the policy provisions. Also, refer to Custom Advance Days in the glossary for information regarding how your company may define advance days pre-fills where ODEN® can not determine the number of days.

Agent - An insurance agent, solicitor, broker, or producer who sells insurance.

Allow Personal Print Options - Enables users to define their own default print options. When enabled the user settings override the security group default print options. This option is part of Print Actions in Group Options under the Security section of Help.

Allow Server Printing - This option allows the generated notice to print on the web server's default printer. This option is available only for intranet customers. For more information see Print To Server Help page under the Miscellaneous section.

Auto Update Rules - This option enables automatic checking and updating of system rules without user intervention.

Batch Print - Prints out a batch of notices that fall within the specified date range as well as applying any limiting conditions/filters.

Batch Print Chunking- This feature lets us to slice the bigger batch print files in to chunks of equal size. Refer this link for how to set up chunking in WebPT.

Branches - The addresses of the Insurance Carrier's or MGA's locations. The branch information prints as the address of the Insurance Carrier on all notices.

Calendar Months Displayed - Contains the number of calendar months to display on the Mail and Termination Date notice generation page.

Cancellation Notice - This notice terminates coverage on a policy mid-term (not at an expiration date.)

Carrier - The insurance company providing the insurance coverage on a policy.

CC list - A list of all parties, including any applicable Additional Interests, for whom a notice was issued. A cc list may be printed for the Named Insured, the Producer, the Branch Office, or the Home Office.

Certificate Holder - A person or entity who has been provided written evidence showing that an insurance policy or policies have been issued.

Commercial Administrator - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read update and delete commercial policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print, Data Setup, Data Transfer and Security.

Commercial Lines Setup - This allows Data Setup for Commercial Lines policies in Utilities. Included in Commercial Lines Setup are options for Policy Types; Mortgagee/Lienholders; Custom Reasons; and Custom Advance Days. For details regarding each of these Commercial Data Setups, please refer to each item specifically in the glossary.

Commercial Operator - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this user type may:
     1. Create, read, update and delete commercial lines policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print.

Commercial Policy Types - Policy Terminator® specifies the commercial policy types available. One may select a commercial policy type and designate a 'Print Title' for it. For example, one could select the policy type Package in Policy Terminator® and assign it a Print Title of 'Commercial Combination Package'. This Print Title is then available in the commercial policy types picklist and the Title is printed on each notice. Please click here to see a complete listing of commercial policy types available in Policy Terminator® with definitions of each policy type.

Commercial Read Only - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this default user type may:

     1. Read commercial lines policies.
     2. Read notices generated for commercial lines policies.

Commercial Supervisor - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this default user type may:
     1. Create, read, update and delete commercial lines policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print, Data Setup, Data Transfer.

Conditional Renewal Notice - This notice is an offer to renew a policy under specific conditions. The conditions are explained on the notice and the insured must agree to accepting these conditions. The notice is issued prior to the renewal date of the policy.

Consumer Reporting Agency - An agency from which information is obtained that might influence the underwriting decision regarding the issuance of a notice. For example information obtained from a Credit Bureau or relating to driving records.

Custom Advance Days - Policy Terminator® pre-fills as many advance days required by statute as possible. There are some states where it is not possible to pre-fill this field due to unique state requirements or because the state has no statutory requirements. ODEN® has NOT pre-filled advance days notice for the policy types of Workers' Compensation, Excess Workers' Compensation, Motor Carrier Liability and Motor Cargo. These policy types may require compliance with filing requirements, and must be addressed individually.

Custom Advance Days is found in Commercial or Personal Data Setup in Utilities. Custom Advance Days may be used to include advance days for those situations wherePolicy Terminator® can not determine the appropriate advance days. Information in Custom Advance Days will apply ONLY if Policy Terminator® does not pre-fill the advance days as required by statute. When creating custom advance days please access ODEN® State Rules and Regulations to determine the correct response for the applicable state and policy type, or refer to policy provisions. If your company has created custom advance days rules, you will be notified with a statement that says: There is a user defined requirement of XX day(s) for this action.

Custom Reasons - Custom Reasons allows specific wording to be used as the 'reason' for a notice. Custom Reasons are part of Commercial or Personal Data Setup in Utilities. A Custom Reason may be selected for use on Commercial or Personal notices and eliminates the need of re-keying information that is frequently used. For example, a Custom Reason of 'Nonpayment' could be selected for every notice issued due to Nonpayment of Premium. The Nonpayment Custom Reason could also include wording advising the insured the amount of premium due and if a payment received by a specified date would result in reinstatement of the policy. For more information about Nonpayment Custom Reasons, click here.

Data Export - Data export is a process that extracts certain data from the Policy Terminator database into a downloadable comma delimited or fixed length ASCII text file. The export facility provides access to policy,
notice, additional interest, producer, underwriter, and branch data.

Data Setup - This is part of Utilities. Included in Data Setup are General Notice Setup; General Policy setup; Personal Lines Setup; Commercial Lines Setup; and Filter Setup. For details regarding each of these data setup options, please refer to each item specifically in the glossary.

Data Tags - The Data Tags feature allows the user to add some basic text formatting to notice text and to dynamically insert pieces of data from the policy record into the notice text at generation time. While editing the notice text, Data Tags appear in braces ({}). At generation time they are translated into associated data or formatting changes on the notice. Data Tags can be typed directly into the text box or alternatively may be selected from the Data Tags list. Selection from the list adds the appropriate Data Tag to the end of the text.

Data Type - An attribute that specifies what type of information can be stored in a column or variable.

Default Effective Time - contains the group system default effective time. There are options for each US time zone included in Policy Terminator® that may be selected according to your filed policy provisions.

Default Login Group - For systems with more than one security group, designates the default security group. For systems with login style of Group Selection Box, the default group is the one that is highlighted on the main login screen.

Default Mail Lead Days - System default number of mail lead days. If there are no ODEN® rules for mail lead days as required by statute, the system pre-fills the mail lead days field with this default value.

Default Mail Type - Contains the group system default mailing type. If there are no ODEN® rules for mailing type the system pre-fills the mailing type field with this default value.

Delete Batch After - Contains the number of hours to preserve a Batch Print, Post Office Log, Address Export, Portable Document Format(PDF) Export, or Data Export file before purging.

Delete Temp Files After XX Hours - This option is to delete temporary files after a specified number of hours. (ODEN® recommends 36 hours)

Disclaimer - In addition to Copyright, Version, and License information regarding Web based Policy Terminator®, your acceptance of this Disclaimer is your agreement to accept the terms and conditions of the software.

Dongle - Computer equipment used for hardware notice counters.

Edit Mode - Allows for the modification of a record. Clicking on the edit folder icon or the Edit menu option places a record in edit mode.

Edit Rights - This allows the System Administrator to edit the rights of a user.

Export Data - This allows data from Policy Terminator® to be exported.

Facsimile Signatures - When a facsimile signature is selected for use on a notice, the signature will be reproduced on the notice, thereby eliminating the need for each notice to be personally signed by an authorized insurance representative.

Filter Setup - Filter Setup is a tool in Policy Terminator® that gives you the ability to limit the policies on which you wish to take action.

Freeform Attachment - A free form created during the generation of another notice (Cancellation, Nonrenewal, Conditional Renewal, Renewal Premium and Policy Change) that is automatically appended as part of the notice. For example, a Free Form Attachment could be used to include required loss information as it pertains to a Nonrenewal notice. Or it could be a cover letter or any other information for which the Insured should be notified that is not included in Policy Terminator®.

Freeform Notice - A Free Form Notice allows the creation and generation of your own notice. This could be used for a Letter of Rescission, cover letter or other form used by your company that is not currently included in The Policy Terminator®.

Freeform Titles - These titles are for Free Form Notices. The title selected for a Free Form notice will print at the top of the notice. For example, a Free Form title could be 'Letter of Rescission' for a custom notice notifying an insured that the Nonrenewal notice they received is rescinded and that coverage will remain in force.

General Notice Setup - This is part of Utilities. Included in General Notice Setup are Freeform Titles, Consumer Reporting Agencies, Facsimile Signatures, Invalid Mailing Date Rules, and Underwriters. For details regarding each of these General Notice Setup options, please refer to each item specifically in the glossary.

General Policy Setup - This is part of Utilities. Included in General Policy setup are Producers, Branches, Policies Written 2% Rules, and User Defined Fields. For details regarding each of these General Policy Setup options, please refer to each item specifically in the glossary.

Group Code - A security group is identified by a unique character alphanumeric code called the group code. This code is used along with a users' login and password to access the system.

Group Name - Each security group is assigned a text description up to 50 characters long.

Group Options - Configuration options used when setting up a security group.

Hardware Counts - Intranet customers who pay per notice generated use hardware counts. See dongle for additional information.

Hot Keys - Functions used on the keyboard that do not require a mouse.

Import Data - This allows for data from other databases to be imported into Policy Terminator®.

Invalid Mailing Date Rules - These are rules that may be preset by a Systems Administrator to prohibit notice mailing dates from occurring on Sunday or a U. S. Postal Service Holiday.

Limiting Conditions - User specified criteria that "filter out" notices. They generally allow an "all" or "all except" choice format.

Login ID - This is setup by your System Administrator. This ID is used when logging into Policy Terminator®.

Login Style - Group Selection Box - The user is presented with a pick list of available groups for the system. Text Field - The user is presented with a text field in which they will type the group name. No Group Box - The group name is displayed but is not editable. This is used for systems that have a single group defined.

Loss Payee - The person named in a loss payable clause to whom insurance proceeds are to be paid in the event of damage to property. The loss payee should have an insurable interest in the property. In Policy Terminator®, a Loss Payee should be entered as a Mortgagee/Lienholder.

Lessor - The person from whom property is leased. For example, a leased vehicle will have a Lessor who has an insurable interest in the vehicle. In Policy Terminator®, a Lessor should be entered as a Mortgagee/Lienholder.

Mail Date Rollover Hour - Contains the hour of the day after which the mailing date should roll over to the next valid mailing date. For example, if mail is picked up from the office at 1:00pm, set the Mail Date Rollover Hour to 12:00 noon. Then any notice generated before 12:00 noon would have a mailing date of today and those after 12:00 would have a mailing date of the next valid day.

Mail Lead Time - Additional time allowed to mail a notice. There may be a company preference to allow 3 additional days to mail a notice in addition to the Advance Days notice required. ODEN® pre-fills any Mail Lead Time that is statutorily required.

Mail Types - Types of mailing used for notices. These include: S-Standard, M-Mailing Certificate or Post Office Log, C-Certified, R-Registered, I-Certified, Return Receipt, B-Certified and Mailing Certificate, X-Standard and Certified Return Receipt.

Mortgagee/Lienholder - The person to whom property is mortgaged; that is, the person who extends credit to another based on the other party's possession of collateral property. In Policy Terminator®, a Loss Payee and/or a Lessor should be entered as a Mortgagee/Lienholder.

NAIC - This acronym stands for National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Insurance Carriers are assigned a NAIC number and that number is used in Policy Terminator® to identify and locate Insurance Companies.

Nonrenewal Notice - This notice advises the insured that the policy will not be renewed on the expiration date of the policy.

Notice History - Contains information about previously generated notices. Notice History may be located and viewed on the Policy Information screen while in "Read Only" Mode. Information in Notice History may not be modified, it is for historical reference only.
Notice Rules Caching - This option enables the temporary storage of the rule base in memory. When enabled notices generate 2 to 3 times faster. This option consumes approximately 12MB of RAM.

Notice Status - Displays the most recent action taken on the policy record. Once a notice is generated, the notice status field will show the last type of notice that was generated. This is a system maintained, non-editable field. To view a list of status codes, click here.

ODEN® Policy Terminator Personality File - The Policy Terminator
Profile (PTP for short) file is a file distributed with each update that
is unique to each customer's organization. This file contains parameters
associated with licensing, contact information of the primary customer
contact, and a list of carriers for which that particular licensee may
generate notices.

ODEN® Rule Base - The ODEN® Rule Base is a database comprised of specially coded data that represents, by jurisdiction, the rules and regulations governing the format and composition of notices generated by Policy Terminator®. These "rules" include such information as required advanced days notice periods, mail lead times, underwriting periods, regulated status, and other related information. ODEN® publishes a new Rule Base several times per year in order to keep it up to date with current
regulation, legislation and departmental positions. In order to ensure compliant notices, it is critical that a current version of the Rule Base
always be installed in the Policy Terminator®.

ODEN® SR&R Library - A library of rules and regulations summarized by topic for 50 states, DC, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Federal Government.

Other Party of Interest - Any party other than a Mortgagee/Lienholder; Additional Insured; or Certificate Holder who has an interest in the policy. For example, a third-party to whom a Senior Citizen has designated to receive a copy of their policy would be considered an 'Other Party of Interest'.

P&C Administrator - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read update and delete both personal and commercial      policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print, Data Setup, Data Transfer and Security.

P&C Operator - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read, update and delete both personal and commercial lines      policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print.

P&C Read Only -
An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:

     1. Read commercial and personal lines policies.
     2. Read notices generated for commercial and personal lines policies.

P&C Supervisor - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read, update and delete both personal and commercial lines      policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print, Data Setup and Data Transfer.

Portable Document Format(PDF) Export - PDF Export is a process that generates a map file and a PK Zip formatted file containing several individual PDF files. Each PDF file contains either a single recipient's copy of a notice or a collection of all recipients notice copies for a single notice depending on configuration. The map file is named the same as the zip file but with a '.txt' extension. The map file is a text file that lists all of the PDF files contained in the zip file. Each line of the map file contains the PDF filename followed by a colon and a comma separated list of basic policy and notice information. Fields that follow the filename are Policy Number, Notice
Type, Insurance Type, Effective Date, Mail Date, Copy Type, UDF1, UDF2,
UDF3, UDF4, and UDF5.

Password - This is used to log into Policy Terminator®. This is setup by your System Administrator.

Performance Statistics Logging - Creates a log of performance statistics. Use only at the direction of ODEN® technical staff.

Personal Administrator - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read update and delete personal policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print, Data Setup, Data Transfer and Security.

Personal Lines Setup - This allows Data Setup for Personal Lines policies in Utilities. Included in Personal Lines Setup are options for Policy Types; Mortgagee/Lienholders; Custom Reasons; and Custom Advance Days. For details regarding each of these Personal Data Setups, please refer to each item specifically in the glossary.

Personal Operator - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read, update and delete personal lines policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3 Access batch print.

Personal Policy Types - Policy Terminator® has specified the personal policy types available. You may select a personal policy type and designate a 'Print Title' for it. For example, you could select Automobile Liability and Physical Damage in Policy Terminator® and name it 'Family Auto' as the Print Title. This Print Title will then be available in the personal policy types picklist and the Title will be printed on each notice. Please click here to see a complete listing of personal policy types available in Policy Terminator® with definitions of each policy type.
Personal Read Only - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:

     1. Read personal lines policies.
     2. Read notices generated for personal lines policies.

Personal Supervisor - An ODEN® default user type. Users assigned this ODEN® default user type may:
     1. Create, read, update and delete personal lines policies.
     2. Create all notice types.
     3. Access Batch Print, Data Setup and Data Transfer.

Policies Written - 2% Rule - The states of New York, New Jersey and Hawaii have two-percent limitations on motor vehicle insurance termination's. Policy Terminator® provides calculation of these limitations based upon policies written for particular territories or zip codes within these states. Policy Terminator® provides three levels of 2% tracking:

1. Disable - Prevents the tracking of notices that fall under the 2% rule
2. Loose - Tracks notices that fall under the 2% rule and notifies the user when the 2% limit is about to be exceeded but will not prevent the generation of the notice.
3. Strict - Tracks notices that fall under the 2% rule and prevents the user from generating a notice when the 2% limit has been reached.

Note: In order for the Loose and Strict settings to work properly, the 2% Policies Written table must be populated.

Policy Change Notice - This notice states that specific changes have been made on a policy mid-term rather than one the renewal date.

Policy Questions - State specific policy questions regarding coverage's on a policy. In some cases, ODEN® needs this additional information in order to provide a compliant notice.

Policy Types -
See Commercial Policy Types or Personal Policy Types.

Pop-up Questions -
Pop-up questions appear when additional information is required to generate a compliant notice. Some pop-up’s are in the form of a Yes/No question, where as others prompt the user to supply additional information to complete wording on the notice.

PopUp Question Answer -
Allows for both PopUp and Policy Questions to be answered in advance

Post Logon URL - Contains the URL to which the page is redirected to after logon.

Post Office Log - Generates a USPS compliant post office log of all the notices that apply to the specified date range and limiting conditions. It is designed to acompany the notices to be stamped by the post office as a mailing record.

Producer - An Insurance agent, solicitor, broker, or any other person directly involved in the sale of insurance.

Reason Codes - Reason Codes are specific to Policy and Notice Types and are determined by ODEN®. A user selects the Reason Code that most clearly defines the reason for the notice action being taken.

Reason Warnings - A warning that is displayed that is applicable to a specific reason code. For example, a warning to advise the user that the selected reason may only be used under very limited circumstances.

Refusal to Write Notice - This notice is used to notify a customer that coverage will not be written or issued by the Insurance Carrier. A Refusal to Write notice may only be used prior to the actual issuance of a policy. This notice type is not available for use once a policy has been issued and a policy number has been assigned. If a policy has been issued, a cancellation notice is the correct notice to be generated.

Regulated Status - This field is pre-filled. There are some states where it is not possible to pre-fill this field due to unique state requirements. ODEN® defines a policy type as regulated when the state's insurance laws and statutes apply to that policy type. A policy type may also be deemed to be regulated by a position of a State Insurance Department.

Reinstatement Notice - This notice is used to advise the insured that a previously canceled policy has been reinstated and that the cancellation is no longer valid.

Remaining Notice Software Counts -
Displays the total remaining notice counts or those customers who use a Dongle or Hardware Counter to track notices generated.

Renewal Premium Notice -
This notice advises the insured the amount of premium required to renew a policy.

Reprint Batch - Provides for the reprinting of a batch report of notices in the event of a printer malfunction, etc. Also provides for reprinting part of a batch when needed. For information on reprinting a batch see Batch Print/PO Log Help Page.

Retrospective Rating - A method of establishing a premium on large commercial accounts.

Security - This is part of Utilities. Included in Security are Group Options, User Types, and Users. For details regarding each of these security options, please refer to each item specifically in the glossary.

Security Group - Depending upon the implementation, a security group may represent a work group, a department, business unit or company. A group is identified by a unique character alphanumeric code (group code). This code is used along with a user's logon and password to access the system. The group is also assigned a 50 character textual description (group name).

Software Counts - Internet customers who pay per notice generated use software counts.

SSL The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) - A commonly used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet.

Surplus Lines - Insurance Coverage for which there is no readily available admitted market. Such coverages are marketed through nonadmitted insurers on an unregulated basis under each state's surplus lines laws.

Suspend Printing - This allows for the option of directing a notice to be printed later in a batch print rather than at the time the notice was generated.

System Administrator - The System Administrator is typically the user who controls the "Admin." user account. This user has total control of a group's configuration, including the ability to add and delete users and set group defaults. The System Administrator should be the first contact for support within a organization. The contact information for the System
Administrator is coded into the customer's DTP file and is displayed at the
bottom of the Disclaimer page as well as at the bottom of the About Policy Terminator® page.

Underwriter - The name used in Policy Terminator® to designate the underwriter who requested and/or processed a notice.

Underwriting Period - The period of time from the inception date of a policy until the cancellation date of the policy. This Underwriting Period only applies to new policies that have never been renewed and that are being canceled. Many states use 60 days from the inception date of the new policy to be the Underwriting Period.

URL - A URL(Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of a file (resource) accessible on the Internet.

User Defined Field (UDF) -
A User Defined Field is one where the customer defines the contents of that field. For example, information in User Defined Fields could be used during importing or exporting data from Policy Terminator® or when setting a filter.

User Types - A user type is a collection of access rights that defines the permissible activities of a user within the system.

Users - Individuals who have rights to access Policy Terminator®.

Validation Level - Throughout the notice generation process policy data is validated to determine if all required information is present. This data
validation happens in different stages called "Validation Levels". Since
each Validation Level has a little more information than the previous one,
the validation process reevaluates requisites based on the new information.
If all required policy information is present then the Validation Level is passed and the process continues to the next step without intervention. If, on the other hand, additional policy information is needed, the Validation Level page will allow the user to enter the required data without returning to the Policy Edit page.

Warning - A message that will appear at appropriate places to advise a user or warn them of additional information. For example, the warning may advise a user to refer to ODEN® State Rules & Regulations, to attach loss history to the notice, or advise how return premium should be handled.

Web PT - Web Based Policy Terminator®.

Web based Policy Terminator® Holidays - Policy Terminator® does not allow for the mailing date of a notice to fall on a day the Post Office is closed. Those days include:

New Year's Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran's Day
Christmas Day