Data Setup Help

Filter Setup
The Filter Setup provides for the creation of "filters" which can be used to limit the policy records displayed while the filter is on. This can be helpful when the user wants to view only policies that meet specific criteria. The activation of a filter can limit the user's view of a policy group to a smaller subset of that group. For example, a filter could be used to view only Michigan commercial automobile liability policies where a cancellation notice has been issued from a larger group containing all Michigan policies. Any information field contained in policy information or notice history may be used as filter criteria. Examples of policy information include user defined fields, operator login, underwriter name, branch name, producer name, etc. A filter can be applied during the viewing of policies or during the Batch Print/Post Office Log generation process.

The Filter Setup section of Data Setup contains the following fields:

Filter Name - Each filter is should be given a unique name which one may select.

To create a filter expression, select the field you wish to limit your filter to by double clicking on the field. (In our example: Policy Applicable State). The field will appear in the field name. Next assign an operator(see operator explanations below) then select a value by clicking on a particular state.(Our example is for MI.) Select ADD from the logical table.(See logical explanations below). Your filter expression will display in the filter expression box and look like this: User_Policy.sPolicyState = 'MI'.

Op(Operator) - Clicking on an entry in the Operators list appends the operator to the filter text. Operators are typically used to compare the values of a field to some fixed specified value. (See explanation below:)

equal to
not equal
greater than
greater than or equal to
less than
less than or equal to
Determines if a given value matches any value of a subquery or a list.
The given value does not match any value of a subquery or a list.
Determines whether or not a given character string matches a specified pattern.
A given character string does not match a specified pattern.

Value - The value in which you wish the filter to be based.

Logicals - The Logicals list provides the Boolean operators AND and OR as well as parenthesis(...) and a comma,. When an item is selected, it is appended to the filter text. See Below:

Adds another field name to the filter expression to be considered. The system will poll the database for records that match both criteria.
Adds another field name to the filter expression to be considered. The system will poll the database for records that match either criteria.
(...) AND
Adds a string(See AND)
(...) OR
Adds a string(See OR)
Adds the first field to the filter expression.

Compare/link fields on notice history? - Producer, branch and consumer reporting agency data are linked into the policy by default. Checking the ' Compare/link fields on notice history?' check box causes these entities to be linked to the notice records instead. If the desired result is to filter based on producer, branch and consumer reporting agency that was present at the time of historical notice generation then this check box should be selected.

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