Miscellaneous Help

System Settings
The Systems Settings page displays only for
intranet customers, and is accessible only by the system administrator. The settings on this page affect all groups that access Web-Based Policy Terminator® on this server. Settings on this page should not be altered unless the system administrator has a full understanding of the ramifications of the changes on all users.

Note: For Internet Users, ODEN® acts as the system administrator for all Internet subscribers. As such, Internet customers do not have access to the System Setup page.

General Information
The General Information Section of the System Settings page contains the following fields:

Performance Statistics Logging - Creates a log of performance statistics. Use only at the direction of ODEN technical staff.

Notice Rules Caching - Enables the temporary storage of the rule base in memory. When enabled notices generate 2 to 3 times faster. This option consumes approximately 12MB of RAM.

SSL Required - Turns SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) on. SSL is a commonly used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet.

Allow Server Printing - Enables the "Print to Server" option for security groups. There are additional configuration requirements for enabling Server Printing. See the Print To Server section of Miscellaneous Help. This option is available and visible for intranet customers only.

Note: Adobe® Acrobat Reader must be installed on the web server, and it prints to the server's default printer.

Default Login Group - For systems with more than one security group, designates the default security group. For systems with login style of Group Selection Box, the default group is the one that is highlighted on the main login screen.

Login Style
No Group Box - The group name is displayed but is not editable. This is used for systems that have a single group defined.

Group Selection Box - The user is presented with a pick list of available groups for the system.

Text Field - The user is presented with a text field in which they will type the group name.

Maximum Notice Pending Time(Minutes) - This field displays the maximum time Policy Terminator will attempt to process a notice.

Post Login URL - Contains the URL to which the page is redirected to after login.

Maximum Fax Signature Upload Size (Bytes) - Contains the maximum allowable file size for fax signatures.


LDAP Authenication Settings
(For more information on LDAP Settings, see the LDAP...
The LDAP Settings section contains the following fields:

Use LDAP Server for User Authentication - Determines whether or not LDAP is used for authenticating users.

LDAP Server Type - Specifies whether you are using windows active directory or LDAP version.

LDAP Server Name - Name or ip address of LDAP server.

LDAP Server Port - Port in which the LDAP server is running.

LDAP Root Directory -
Root directory of the LDAP server.

Encrypt LDAP Passwords -
Displays whether or not LDAP passwords are encrypted within the WebPT database.

User Admin Account for User Lookup -
Displays rather or not the account has permissions to search the LDAP directory. This is usually an administrator account.

Admin User Name -
User name provided.

Admin User Password -
User password provided.

NT Domains -
Displays the domain in which the users reside. Each domain will be searched for the username provided.

Create New Account in WebPT if in LDAP -
Determines whether or not the user is created in WebPT.

Save Garbage Password -
Determines whether or not the actual user's password is stored in WebPT database.

Use NT or LDAP Groups -
Maps to group in security group options.

The following options specify the attributes mappings from the LDAP server:

LDAP Attribute for Login ID

LDAP Attribute for Group
LDAP Attribute for User Type
LDAP Attribute for First Name
LDAP Attribute for Email
LDAP Attribute for Phone
LDAP Sub Directory 1 - 10

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