Information Help
Policy Menu Buttons
The menu section of the Policy Information
page viewed in 'Read Only' mode displays the following menu options:
Main Menu - This
menu option takes you back to the main menu.
Edit - This menu option
takes you to edit mode for modifying a record.
Add New - This menu
option adds a new entry.
Copy - This
menu option copies an entry.
Name Search -
This menu option allows you to search for a policy by the named insured.
Number Search - This menu option allows
you to search for a policy by the policy number.
Delete - This
menu option is to delete an entry. It is
displayed only if a notice has not been generated.
Interests - This option is to view
interests that have been added to a policy.
History - This option is to view previous
notices that are stored in notice
Create Notice -
This option allows you to create a notice for
a current policy.
Help - This menu
option displays WebPT Help.
Back - This menu
option takes you back to previous menu.
Link to Policy
Information Help page.