a Notice Help
Note: The ODEN SR&R Library menu option is a
link to the ODEN library of rules and regulations summarized by topic
for 50 states, DC, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Federal Government.
Extra Notice Address
Statutory requirements dictate that under certain
circumstances an extra copy of the notice must be sent to an additional
party. If Policy Terminator® is able to predetermine the
name and address for the extra notice the information will prefill. However,
when that information is not known, Policy Terminator®
will ask for the required information.
Address Instructions
Displays to whom the extra copy of the notice is to be sent as well as
any additional directions.
Name Line 1 - This
field contains the name of the third party.
Name Line 2 - This
field is a continuation of Name Line 1 if needed.
Address Line 1 - This
field contains the first line of the mailing address for the third party.
Address Line 2 - This
field is a continuation of Address Line 1 if needed.
City - This field
is only applicable for a domestic US address and contains the mailing
city of the third party.
City/Postal Code - This
field is visible only if the International option is selected as the address
type and contains the mailing city/postal code of the third party.
Country - This
field is visible only if the International option is selected as the address
type and contains the mailing country of the third party.
State - This field
is only applicable for a domestic US address and contains the mailing
state of the third party.
Zip Code - This
field is only applicable for a domestic US address and contains the mailing
zip code of the third party.
Address Type - This
field displays the selected mailing address type. To choose an address
type, click on either the Domestic US or the International selection in
the Address Type field. This selection is visible only in Edit Mode.
Link to Creating a Notice Help Page