Creating a Notice Help


Note: The ODEN SR&R Library menu option is a link to the ODEN library of rules and regulations summarized by topic for 50 states, DC, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Federal Government.

Basic Notice Information
This page contains basic notice information and contains the following fields:

Is this policy regulated? - This field displays the regulated status of the policy. This is pre-filled by ODEN® and cannot be modified.

Mailing by Date - This field displays the date on which the notice will be mailed. The system pre-fills this field with the earliest valid mailing date based on the ODEN® rule base, user defined Invalid Mailing Dates and the Mail Rollover Hour. This field displays only if the policy is within the underwriting period.

Consumer Reporting Agency -
This field displays a list of previously defined Consumer Reporting Agency(s), and their reference numbers. If applicable select the agency(s) which influenced your decision. To make a selection, click on the down arrow and choose from the dropdown list, or scroll down to the desired entry and press the tab key. If Consumer Reporting Agency(s) information has not been defined in utilities, this/these field(s) will not display.

The list of Consumer Reporting Agency(s) may be added to or edited by your System Administrator or any other user with Data Setup-Consumer Reporting Agency rights. The Consumer Reporting Agency maintenance page can be accessed through the Utilities menu.

Underwriter -
This field displays a list of previously defined Underwriters. To select the underwriter for the policy click on the down arrow and choose from the dropdown list, or scroll down to the desired entry and press the tab key. This information does not appear on the notice. If Underwriter information has not been defined in utilities, this field will not display.

The list of Underwriters may be added to or edited by your System Administrator or any other user with Data Setup-Underwriter rights. The Underwriter maintenance page can be accessed through the Utilities menu.

Reason Code - This field displays a list of valid reason codes. Select the appropriate reason code from the list. To make a selection click on the down arrow and choose from the dropdown list or scroll down to the desired entry and press the tab key.

Reason Codes are specific to Policy and Notice Types and are determined by ODEN®. Note - None of the above apply should be selected for any valid reason not listed in the dropdown list.

Facsimile Signature - This field displays a list of previously defined facsimile signatures. To select the signature you want to display on the notice, click on the down arrow and choose from the dropdown list or scroll down to the desired entry and press the tab key. If facsimile signature information has not been defined in utilities, this field will not display.

The list of Facsimile Signatures may be added to or edited by your System Administrator or any other user with Data Setup-Facsimile Signature rights. The Facsimile Signature maintenance page can be accessed through the Utilities menu.

Underwriting Period -
This field displays underwriting period information. This information displays only for new policies that are being canceled within a specific time period.

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