Policy Help
Additional Interest Detail
The Additional
Interest Detail section of the Policy Information page contains the
following fields:
Select Default Mortgagee/Lienholder - If
Mortgagee/Lienholder's are loaded in utilities, you may select one from
the preloaded list.
Note: If a preloaded mortgagee/lienholder is selected
for the additional interest the address information can be modified, however
the original dropdown entry will not reflect any changes made to the address.
To modify the dropdown list the changes must be made in Utilities by a
Administrator or any other user with Data
Setup-Mortgagee/Lienholder rights.
Interest Type - This
field contains the interest type and may be one of the following:
Insured, Certificate
Holder, or Other
Party of Interest.
Name1 - This field
contains the name of the additional interest.
Name2 - This field
is a continuation of Name Line 1 if needed.
Address Line 1 - This
field contains the first line of the mailing address for the additional
Address Line 2 - This
field is a continuation of Address Line 1 if needed.
City - This field
contains the mailing city of the Additional Interest.
City/Postal Code - This
field is visible only if the International option is selected for the
address type and contains the mailing city/postal code of the additional
Country - This
field is visible only if the International option is selected as the address
type and contains the mailing country of the additional interest.
State - This field
is only applicable for a Domestic US address and contains the mailing
state of the additional interest.
Zip Code - This
field is only applicable for a Domestic US address and contains the mailing
zip code of the additional interest.
Address Type - This
field displays the selected mailing address type of the additional interest.
To choose an address type, click on either Domestic US or International
selection in the Address Type field. The
default selection is set to Domestic US. This selection is visible only
in Edit Mode.
Reference - This
field is used for miscellaneous additional interest information. This
information only prints on the copy of the notice for the additional interest.
This could be an account number; a brief description of covered property;
or the make and model of a covered vehicle.
Notices Applicable to this Interest - The
default for notices applicable to an additional interest is the cancellation
notice. If the additional interest is to receive additional advance
days notice for a cancellation, that number of days should also be
entered. Leaving the Cancellation Advance Days Notice field empty will
provide the same advance days notice to the Additional Interest that was
given to the Named Insured. You may also indicate other notice types applicable
to the additional interest by selecting 'yes' for each desired notice
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