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Data Tags
The Data Tags feature allows the user to add some basic text formatting to notice text and to dynamically insert pieces of data from the policy record into the notice text at generation time. While editing the notice text, Data Tags appear in braces ({}). At generation time they are translated into associated data or formatting changes on the notice. Data Tags can be typed directly into the text box or alternatively may be selected from the Data Tags list. Selection from the list adds the appropriate Data Tag to the end of the text.

Text Formatting
Data Tags provide five formatting options: bold, italics, underline, uppercase and carriage return. Formatting is applied by enclosing text in a pair of Data Tags. The following table illustrates these tags:

Format Type
Beginning Data Tag
Ending Data Tag
Notice Text During Edit
Notice Text on Notice
{/B} This is {B} bold {/B} This is bold
{/I} This is {I} italic {/I} This is italic
{/U} This is {U} underlined {/U} This is underlined
{/UC} This is {UC} uppercase {/UC} This is UPPERCASE
Carriage Return {BR} {/BR} This will put text{BR} on another line The enter key also works

Format Data Tags can also be combined. For example:

          This is {B}{U}{I}bold, underlined and italics{/B}{/U}{/I}             

will yield

          This is bold, underlined and italics

Policy Data
Data Tags can also be used to insert data elements from the policy into the notice text. In this case, select the desired element from the Data Tags list to include its value in the notice text at generation time. This is particularly useful for repetitive reasons that require some information from the policy to appear on the notice such as advising and insured to call their agent.For example, the following information could be added to the reason:

   If you have any additional questions, please call    (UserNotice.UserPolicy.Producer.Address.sAddr1) at    (UserNotice.UserPolicy.Producer.sPhoneNumber)

These data tags will insert the producers name and phone number in the reason text.

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